PAP Shut Down SGTalk.Org
(too old to reply)
2017-03-12 11:00:32 UTC

This popular discussion site among investors and speculators had recently turned into a opposition hotbed following the water price hike during the Budget Speech, much to the displeasure of the Pappies, which had since utilised their KGB to blackmail the owners of the site to shut it down with effect from yesterday.

Some of the sensitive items posted in the discussion group include talks about the Dhanabalan Slapping Incident, the very popular Chee Soon Juan videos on cost of living, video of sister of LHL calling his brother a dictator,PAP's anti China policies, and long discussion on Lee Bee Wah and her comments on the water issue, and many other angry remarks by members.

Look like the dictator is doing early preparation to weed out potential hotbed to make sure no surprise during the next GE.
2017-03-12 11:16:10 UTC
Post by reborner
This popular discussion site among investors and speculators had recently turned into a opposition hotbed following the water price hike during the Budget Speech, much to the displeasure of the Pappies, which had since utilised their KGB to blackmail the owners of the site to shut it down with effect from yesterday.
Some of the sensitive items posted in the discussion group include talks about the Dhanabalan Slapping Incident, the very popular Chee Soon Juan videos on cost of living, video of sister of LHL calling his brother a dictator,PAP's anti China policies, and long discussion on Lee Bee Wah and her comments on the water issue, and many other angry remarks by members.
Look like the dictator is doing early preparation to weed out potential hotbed to make sure no surprise during the next GE.
will they clamp down on suck.culture.sinkapoor?
The Inquirer

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