A coup for the cadres of the embassy
Jack Waterford
The emergence, and, in their terms, effectiveness of the red Chinese
army in Canberra yesterday was a stunning success for a Chinese
embassy intelligence operation which has long maintained close
surveillance on most of the nearly 100,000 Chinese students in
Australia, and which controls most of the Chinese student
Most of the expenses, and virtually all of the organisation, down to
transport, accommodation, strategies, tactics, marshals, face markings
and issues of Chinese flags, was arranged by the embassy, which has
good reason to think that what occurred overwhelmed protests about
Chinese actions in Tibet, other ethnic regions, treatment of the
Falung Gung, or actions in Iran, Darfur or Zimbabwe.
By comparison with the value of international and Chinese headlines
reporting basic calm, a few arrests, local shock and official distaste
in Canberra for the ruthless efficiency of the operation is of little
But to read from that either that the Chinese manipulated a group of
brain-washed automatons, or that they blackmailed student
participation by threatening repercussions at home, is probably to
fundamentally misunderstand what occurred.
It was not threats, real or implicit, that mobilised the students,
even if a good many of them understand perfectly well that negative
reports could make life unpleasant back home, including for members of
families. Nor, by and large, were the numbers gathered in the way of a
traditional "spontaneous demonstration" of the sort familiar to those
who watch the antics of Arab dictators such as the late Saddam Hussein
or political militias in Indonesia.
It was by appealing to a sense of pride, a sense of siege from
"unfair" criticism, and a strong belief by many ordinary Chinese
students that the upsurge of affected interest in Tibet, or criticism
of China, is itself a staged intelligence operation by China's
A read of the internet discussions focuses particularly on CNN as a
supposed senior conspiricist in this propaganda.
The students were invited to rally to defend their country, to show
their pride in it, and to express their pleasure and satisfaction at
what China has achieved, particularly in recent times.
It was accompanied, of course, by invocations of the wicked
motivations, and manipulations, of the enemies of China and the
Chinese. These enemies were provoking "splittism" wanting to weaken
China by encouraging separatist movements, whether of Tibetans,
Uighurs or Muslims.
Canberra has a substantial population of Chinese students, but, even
if all mobilised, these were bound to be overwhelmed by splittists,
"scum of the Chinese nation" such as Falun Gong supporters, and others
wanting to humiliate China in front of the world because Canberra was
a "separatist base", full also of monks and "paid Vietnamese thugs".
The Chinese embassy circulated a letter to students hooked into
Chinese Students Association networks asking for a voluntary organised
and spontaneous peaceful patriotic activity ... to prevent the
disruptive actions of Free Tibet campaigners and anti-Chinese elements
from interfering with the Olympic torch relay.
The letter an English translation was published by Crikey.com.au told
"Discipline: obey orders, act collectively. Prevent all actions that
can be detrimental to the image of China, including words, comments
and provocative behaviour, or any use of force. When confronting
provocation, you must be aware that the media will exaggerate even
your most minor actions ... Maintain a smiling face to onlookers, the
media and other peaceful demonstrators. Demonstrate the good behaviour
of the Chinese.
"The organisers will pay costs in advance. However if any participants
wish to pay for themselves, they will be most welcome."
Chinese students in Australia are great internet users, and, like
students elsewhere, enthusiastic users of mobiles and other
communications devices.
Pride, common purpose, and often, local language difficulties,
loneliness and some alienation from Australians as well as a stronger
sense of purpose, means most not only socialise with each other, but
keep in touch with bulletin boards, representative groups and home.