PAP's fault...no blame Singaporeans
(too old to reply)
2003-09-09 08:51:41 UTC
I don't get what you are trying to say, about no govt left.
Perhaps you are saying that we will be swallowed up by our
neighbours ? If you mean yes, then you are insulting our
heavily paid generals with their heavily cost toys.
Of course this insult would include our heavily paid ministers.
very soon, you would not have a sovereign government left
to whine about.
2003-09-09 09:11:34 UTC
Xiao Mei your sister?
I can never never understand why Singaporeans blame the PAP/government for
everything, in the first place, it is the people who voted for the PAP.
You only have yourselves to blame, singaporeans. In the eyes of
singaporeans are beginning to look like a bunch of gutless, ball-less
wonders. On one hand, you complain about the PAP, on the other hand, you
vote for the PAP. On one hand, you complain how bad our life is here, on
other hand, you complain about how bad other countries are when you are
Grow up, Singaporeans! Stop behaving like a bunch of kids whose ice-cream
have been taken away.....other countries have already caught up with you,
very soon, you would not have a sovereign government left to whine about.
2003-09-09 10:33:11 UTC
Actually, 99% of Singaporeans are very satisfied with the Government
of the country. That is why the ruling party always return to power.
The minority of those complainers you see here are just having fun.
They know they cannot be prosecuted because of Singapore's free speech
laws. So they are just blabbing their mouth away. Please don't take
them too seriously.

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 16:38:00 +0800, "Most personalization V"
I can never never understand why Singaporeans blame the PAP/government for
everything, in the first place, it is the people who voted for the PAP.
You only have yourselves to blame, singaporeans. In the eyes of foreigners,
singaporeans are beginning to look like a bunch of gutless, ball-less
wonders. On one hand, you complain about the PAP, on the other hand, you
vote for the PAP. On one hand, you complain how bad our life is here, on the
other hand, you complain about how bad other countries are when you are
Grow up, Singaporeans! Stop behaving like a bunch of kids whose ice-cream
have been taken away.....other countries have already caught up with you,
very soon, you would not have a sovereign government left to whine about.
2003-09-09 11:32:03 UTC
Singapore got free speech laws meh?
Post by XiaoMei
Actually, 99% of Singaporeans are very satisfied with the Government
of the country. That is why the ruling party always return to power.
The minority of those complainers you see here are just having fun.
They know they cannot be prosecuted because of Singapore's free speech
laws. So they are just blabbing their mouth away. Please don't take
them too seriously.
On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 16:38:00 +0800, "Most personalization V"
I can never never understand why Singaporeans blame the PAP/government for
everything, in the first place, it is the people who voted for the PAP.
You only have yourselves to blame, singaporeans. In the eyes of foreigners,
singaporeans are beginning to look like a bunch of gutless, ball-less
wonders. On one hand, you complain about the PAP, on the other hand, you
vote for the PAP. On one hand, you complain how bad our life is here, on the
other hand, you complain about how bad other countries are when you are
Grow up, Singaporeans! Stop behaving like a bunch of kids whose ice-cream
have been taken away.....other countries have already caught up with you,
very soon, you would not have a sovereign government left to whine about.
2003-09-09 11:33:17 UTC
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2003-09-09 13:09:00 UTC
Post by XiaoMei
Actually, 99% of Singaporeans are very satisfied with the Government
of the country. That is why the ruling party always return to power.
The minority of those complainers you see here are just having fun.
They know they cannot be prosecuted because of Singapore's free speech
laws. So they are just blabbing their mouth away. Please don't take
them too seriously.
Was not Saddam Hussein always returned to power too, many years over?
What does that prove?
Post by XiaoMei
On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 16:38:00 +0800, "Most personalization V"
I can never never understand why Singaporeans blame the PAP/government for
everything, in the first place, it is the people who voted for the PAP.
You only have yourselves to blame, singaporeans. In the eyes of foreigners,
singaporeans are beginning to look like a bunch of gutless, ball-less
wonders. On one hand, you complain about the PAP, on the other hand, you
vote for the PAP. On one hand, you complain how bad our life is here, on the
other hand, you complain about how bad other countries are when you are
Grow up, Singaporeans! Stop behaving like a bunch of kids whose ice-cream
have been taken away.....other countries have already caught up with you,
very soon, you would not have a sovereign government left to whine about.
2003-09-09 13:58:52 UTC
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2003-09-09 15:39:39 UTC
Yo "truth",

You will have a hard task convincing laughing (LOL) jackasses like
STRAIGHTS TIMED that this is happening.
Post by truth
Post by truth
He has systematically and mercilessly oppressed any real threat to this
If you understand how Harry has changed the system and the law you will
understand why they get elected over and over again even when 75% of the
people are sufferings.
It is not the Singaporeans' fault. It is the fault of this monster call
Harry Lee Kuan Yew.
He has systematically and mercilessly oppressed any real threat to this
rule. He rode to power on the back of the communist popularity in the late
50's and early 60's. He then turn against them by throwing them into jail.
Operation Cold store is the most notorious. In one sweep not even after the
1963 GE was over, 100% of the effective leadership of the Barisan Socialist
were thrown into jail. Chia Thai Poh was there for more than 30 years.
His vicious campaign against J B Jeyartnam started from the Anson
bi-election ( when Devan Nair was kick upstair to be President ) is still
continuing until now even though the poor chap has lost everything and is
now a bankrupt.
He threw the book at Francis Seow who was at one time his blue eye boy and
as Solicitor General knew alot of the dark secrets of Harry's persecution of
the so-called Communist in the Barisan Socialist.
He even went against his own comrade when they rise up to expose his
oppressive ways. Dr. Toh Chin Chye founder chairman of the pap was not
I'm curious. What 's Dr. Toh's story? He still lives in Singapore?
Post by truth
Tan Liang Hong, his buddy from the 1950's were mercilessly hounded to
exile in Australia, when Tan joined JBJ to fight the pap. His persecution
and smearing of Dr. Chee Soo Juan is still continuing. Ong Teng Cheong is
another eg of how Harry and his gang treated those who dare to speak up.
In the light of this tell me how many people are willing to stick their head
up and get chop off ?
Those oppositions who were spared are because Harry don't see much of a
threat in them.
Yup. Right on. People like Jeya and Dr. Chee are clowns and dirt (on
the PAP) collectors. They want personal revenge against L&L and their
style is to collect as much dirt on their tormentors as possible. At
least Jeya is Indian and this method understandable. But Dr. Chee has
a PhD and should have more substance in his noggin to come up with a
better strategy that is politically and intellectually attractive.
Nah, I don't read his tabloid fodder rants. Harry 's contempt for CJS
is justified.
Post by truth
he used them to justify to the world that Singapore is a
multi- party democratic state.
And has f(r)ee speech. No one is fooled but its a useful fiction for
everyone to live by. Who cares if you are really free and democratic
so long as you can keep quiet and continue making money for the guys
on top. The "making money" is the part of the equation that is
unravelling now. Therein lies the root of your problems.
Post by truth
He has also change the sytem of representation to entrench his rule. GRCs.
His control over the Electorial Boundary Commission ensure that any sizable
pockets of opposition voters are diluted by the inclusion of pap voters.
That is why there is the ridiculous Marine Parade Consitutuency which
stretch from the sea to Bradell.
Elections are fare from fair free and open.
I can write a 10,000 pages book on the dirty election pratices of the pap
over the last 40+ years.
The sad commentary is that you can't get it published in Singapore.
Even if you do many LOL jackasses won't believe you.
Plus its an insomnia pill. You can't sleep again without thinking
about a midnight call from something that starts with an "I" that
doesn't spell "insomnia."

Outside Singapore, who cares?
